Sunday, December 14, 2014


Many Christian Churches use holy water. 
This special water is used by Christians to bless themselves with the sign of the Cross in honour of Jesus, the Son of God. 

The water is also used to bless the Church and Christian houses, to make sure these places are made holy for God's work. 
Holy Water reminds us of the Red Sea waters through which the people of Israel passed before they could enter Israel, the Promised Land.

The water reminds us of the water of baptism which starts us on the road to God's Kingdom.
Little children, when we are blessed with Holy Water, we are protected from the naughty spirit, called the devil.

We also remember the great Prophet Ezekiel, who said, 'The Lord God says this . . . I will sprinkle clean water over you and you will be cleansed.' (Ezekiel 36/22,25).

Ask your mommy or daddy or guardian to take you to a church, where you can get some holy water in a bottle.
Then bless yourself with the holy water in the sign of the cross, praying, "In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen."

Shake some holy water in your house to bless your house as belonging to God.
If you are ever scared, and want to ask God to protect you very specially, have your holy water with you. Bless yourself with the holy water.
God gives us blessings such as holy water to keep us safe, and help us become holy.

God bless you all, little children. May you all be kept safe and holy, and reach heaven where we will all meet one day and worship around the Throne of Almighty God.

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