Monday, November 10, 2014


Jesus promised us that we will join God in the Heavenly Kingdom above if we try to lead good lives.
Little children and many people came to hear Jesus talk to them.
They were so excited to see the Son of God walking among us, bringing His great love to us.
What a wonderful joy this was.
And the same joy is ours.

A great man many years ago lived in Israel.
His name was Isaiah.
A great man in the Bible like Isaiah is known as a prophet.
Prophet Isaiah realised many great things that God told him long before they happened.
One of them was when God told Isaiah that people living in Israel would see a great light.

This great Light was God's own Son Jesus, Who came to live among us in Israel to show us how to live good lives.
Jesus also came to open Heaven for us.

When Jesus fulfilled this prophecy, He talked to the babies and children and grown up people to tell them to be sorry if they had done anything wrong, and to make up their minds to behave well, because God's Kingdom was near.

We pray that God's Kingdom - that is all the wonderful things that people do for one another as true sons and daughters of God - will come to all people, with God's peace, on earth.

Let us pray together:
"Heavenly Father, we pray that Your Kingdom comes upon earth. Please grant peace to our family, friends, and our country. Please help us all to be good people, and grant that we may live one day with you in heaven for all eternity.

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