Thursday, November 13, 2014


One day in Heaven God had a very good idea. 
He had been thinking about it for a while.
He decided to come down to visit us all here on earth to teach us properly how to be good people.
He needed to find a way to be with us here on earth.

So God decided to be born as a tiny little baby on earth, and to grow to be a fine man who would show us the way to Heaven.
God needed a wonderful lady who would agree to this Plan.

He looked around to earth and saw a lovely lady He had given as a baby to Joachim and Anna.
Her name was Mary.
Mary was an Israelite lady who lived in Nazareth.

She loved God very much, and was very kind to her parents.
God sat and thought for a long time, and then sent for the glorious Angel Gabriel.

'Gabriel,' He asked, 'can I ask you a favour?'
'Yes, Lord,' replied Gabriel.
'Can you go and ask Mary is she will give permission for Me to become her Baby so that I can save everyone in the world?'
'Of course, Lord,' answered Gabriel.

He went to visit Mary in Nazareth, and asked her.
She said yes.
So the first two lines of the Hail Mary is from the words of the Angel Gabriel,
'Hail Mary, full of grace!
The Lord is with thee.'

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