Our Father God is the Supreme Being Who created all things. He is self-existing. This means that no-one made God. God does not owe His Life to anyone. But the joyous thing is, we all owe our lives to God!
God is our Father in Heaven. He made us, and so we will never be lonely or alone.
We will always have His Love.
God is love. He loves you with a love that is bigger than the whole sea. He loves you so much that He sent His only Son Jesus Christ from Heaven.
Jesus came to open the way for us to enter Heaven, so we can live with God forever.
Because Adam and Eve had not listened to God and disobeyed God, they could not stay in Paradise with God anymore. Because of the big trouble which had been caused when Adam and Eve no longer listened to Father God, this meant trouble for us too.
We are all descendants of Adam and Eve, and so we could not stay in Paradise either, which is quite a shame because Paradise is a wonderful place to live. But anyhow, earth is very beautiful too. God made earth too, as well as Paradise. The only problem is that earth, though wonderful, has some problems.
Sometimes the weather can be a little too hot or too cold, or we have earthquakes and volcanoes, and difficult times. But God sees all of this, and wants us to have a forever home - an eternal home - with Him which is even better than beautiful Paradise. This is God's own home, heaven.
O wow.
Heaven is home with God, talking to Him, seeing Him, the company of friendly angels, beloved Jesus and wonderful Our Lady and enjoying the beautiful things there.
We will also be with all our beloved family who have died on this earth and now live in heaven. We will also see our animals we loved.
Now there is a little problem.Some people do not behave nicely to God, and don't do the things they should to get to heaven. If we want to get to heaven we must obey the Ten Commandments, be kind and not do naughty things.
The people who don't do good things can very possibly be told they can't come into heaven when they die. This is a very sad thing.
So God, Who is so great, has organized that we can pray for naughty people so they can enter heaven. This is called prayer of reparation.
Why don't you pray so that people who have been naughty or bad realize their mistake, say sorry to God, and get into heaven after all.
This is why Jesus came to earth and and suffered and died for us, so that we could all realise our mistakes and come to heaven.
How great is our Father God!
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