God was thinking what to do.
He had the idea of a honking sound...
And what about something that moved, that had a mouth that would open and shut...
and that could eat, and make noise, and breathe ...
Oh, and what about if it could chase and run with things to move ... oh yes, He would create something called feet.
God made webbed feet for the animal. So the lovely creature could swim better.
And God invented feathers. Soft, downy things that could float as soft as a butterfly in the air
Yet be so strong that it could hold up in the air and make its owner able to fly.
So God made swans.
Beautiful strong birds that could swim in the water.
And also fly through the air.
And also walk on the ground.
Wow! Amazing.
The angels clapped and cheered as God made this wonderful creature.
And my, the swans were naughty.
They also chased things and nipped at them with their beaks, the name for their mouths.
But no-one bothered too much because they loved them.
They were so amazing. So God thought, this is a good pattern for an animal. We'll keep this one.
And we'll make more.
Also, he would make babies of this animal.
So God has a sense of humour.
He made little swans that did not look like big swans.
They were small and grey and different, and they waddled a bit.
They were called cygnets.
Some of the baby swans loved their mum so much they climbed on her back and went for a ride.
Oh, they were too cute.
Everyone was having so much fun as God created the world.
And while God was creating, He decided to make little baby animals ...
And so He made a baby horse, the foal.
The angels loved the little foal ...
It blinked as it looked at the newly made sun.
The little foal was shaky on its hooves as it tried to stand up.
The foal just looked at his mom and dad, two newly created horses
and he loved them straight away.
He made little neighing noises to show he loved his mom and his dad.
And he shook his little mane of hair.
He was too cute!
God was enjoying Himself.
He had thought so many times He would love to create these wonderful things, and now His Plan was working.
He was making the world.
And the baby foal was too sweet.
He decided that He would go on making baby foals.
They were a wonderful creation.
Have you ever seen a foal?
God made flowers and bees ...
He created stripes on the bees, yellow and black -
and little wings that fluttered.
Just for fun He added the buzzing sound of the bee ...
And he made daisies. Plenty of them.
White and yellow.
And poppies. Red and orange.
God made hibiscus; and frangipani; daffodils and snowdrops
He created green grass which made a lovely backdrop to the glorious flowers
Even the angels said so.
They all had so much fun.
Everyone agreed that God was very clever in making colours.
And then God also made the rose.
He wanted to make it special. So He invented fragrance, a lovely smell.
The bees went wild. They loved the colours and the scent and the pollen.
God organised that the bees could use the pollen to make food for themselves, and
wax, and honey.
You see; God had a plan. He wanted bees to be little helpers of the humans He created.
He wanted to make a man and a woman.
He thought it was a very good idea.
And then the bees could help them with food and light -
Food with honey.
Light with wax which could make candles.
It was all very exciting.
God wanted friends to talk with, and He wanted them to share in the good things He had made.
So we humans came to be created.
He is such a good God, and always wants to be our Friend.
Talk to Him quietly in the morning and before you go to sleep.
And you can also talk to Him quietly during the day and during the night if you wake up.
He always listens.
When you talk very specially to God, it is a wonderful time that we call prayer.
We are so very lucky to be able to talk to God.
*Please feel free to use image copyright free for printing, colouring, use as classroom material
Artwork by Rev Catherine Nicolette
God created the sea
All the fish and the whales and the crabs
And crayfish, and eels, and sharks
And starfish and every octopus that swims...
God made everything in the water.
It was very exciting for the angels to see the wonderful things God made on earth.
Wonderful news for all Children's Praise readers!
God tells us about His Love in the Bible.
And the first time God showed us His Love when He made the wonderful world for us to live in.
God made the sun and the moon.
They give us light in the day and the night.
This helps us to see our way and not fall over!
He made the air so we can breathe.
He made the sea so the fish can swim.
God made plants, so we could eat them.
He made beautiful animals that can jump, and run, and swim.
After God made the world and everything in it.
God did something very exciting.
He made man and woman.
How great it that?
God is very very clever.